Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Farming the market - stewing the fruit

Farmer's markets have to be the best place on Earth! Where else can you gather (other than your local highly overpriced and zombie filled supermarket) your much needed fruit and veg for the week, free range eggs, handmade wears, live music (classics from everyones childhood) and a cooked-especially-for-you lamb filled Roti? Nowhere!

Saturday morning is by far the highlight of my week. It means I have two days that I can hunt for bargains, eat delicious food with my much loved family and possibly swap the child for some quietly desired craft time. First port of call is the Farmers market - family time done the right way - eating steamed pork buns at 9am and foraging for previously captured goods. It's like Heaven on Earth - or at least Heaven in the Newtown School parking lot. 

This week I grabbed a huge bag of apples and some rhubarb to have with my morning oats. I give them a stew with a few other delights and am set for a few weeks of breakfasts. 

Peel and cube up some apples (maybe 11) - I leave a few with skins left on to give some extra texture but by no means do you have to do this - roughly cut some rhubarb (7 stalks or so) - chuck them into a large non oiled pot that is heated to medium. In this concoction I added some raisins, two vanilla pods - cut open and de-vanilla-ed - throw in one and a half teaspoons of cinnamon, one teaspoon of nutmeg and about a 1/4 cup of sugar. For the sugar, start out with less and bring it up to your sweet tooth once it's cooked out for a while.

Now you just let it stew away. Come back and give it a stir around every once and a while but don't feel the need to hover over it and constantly check it's progress. Turn the temperature down and just let it roll. Keep in mind that the more you stir the more the fruit breaks up and makes a mushy consistency - if that's what makes you tick - stir til your hearts content! The stewed fruit is done when you are happy with it. I generally have enough of the mixture to stock up the freezer - it's delicious with some natural yoghurt, vanilla ice cream or my favourite is plain ol' oats. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. ...yum Janel - make me some :)
    ...your mumma
